Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Loneliness Syndrome

No, I'm still married if that's what you're asking. However, working night shifts pretty much leaves my mind with, a LOT of time to wander.

So I read a couple of blogs, forums yada yada and finally ran out of stuff to read. I even read random stuff in Wikipedia to kill time. I'm bored of reading gory and sordid tales from the online Crime Library. What else was there to do? Google your name of course!

I typed in Nawooz and hit the Search button. Nice to see my two blog sites listed at the top. Then came the flood of comments I've posted in the blogs I lurk in. Out of nowhere, I suddenly stumbled on the one blog I forgot to bookmark. Emmanuel. Dude, I'm so sorry for leaving your blog out of my Bookmarks man. Rest assured this has been rectified and I'm glad to have new reading material. I'll strip it down from top to bottom tomorrow night.

My wanderings have led me back to a long lost friend. A very productive night I would say.


Emmanuel said...

Hehe no problem la bro.Will be adding your list of blogs apart from blogspot to mine soon :)

renny said...

Nice blog.
please visit us http://www.unand.ac.id/arsipua/abstrak/